Stress is the human body’s natural response when one is dealt with challenging situations and high levels of mental and emotional pressure. Large levels of stress over extended periods of time can cause detrimental effects on one’s mental and physical health. Today more than ever it is a major cause of mental and physical health issues, relationship breakups, productivity declines and general enjoyment of life (Health Direct Australia). Within today’s Australia it is extremely common for full-time employees to experience high levels of work-related stress, and according to Safe Work Australia; “more professionals make claims for mental stress than any other factor, and a third of these claims are due to work pressure” – this is no small issue.
"Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering." - Yoda
Sun Tzu, Author of the Art of War said "If you know yourself, and you know your enemy, you need not fear a thousand battles." Let's take this thought a little further, when we are ignorant to who we are, we open ourselves to a life of misery on an uncomfortable bed of fear. No matter how much you accumulate, you will not be free.
Knowing yourself is about knowing your nature, what you stand for, what kind of work comes naturally to you and what brings you joy. Not knowing the answers to these questions makes you ignorant to the most important of all quests in life and that is to know who you are. If you are are worried about your future, perhaps unsure about what career to follow or are stuck in the past, then you need to dive deep to gain the knowledge for freedom. The successful find absolute clarity in purpose...
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