The Happiness Platform - 10 Practices to Being Your Best

Written by Rohilesh (Roh) Singh - Founder of Populis - The People Performance Company, Creator of ExcelerateYou, Author of Rise Warrior Rise and Love: The Wellbeing Journal.

Make The Most Important Decision of Your Life

Choose to be happy. Not making a conscious choice to live as your happiest and most blissful self, is to accept a life of stress and unhappiness; and the cost of which is ugly with 45% of Australians unfortunately suffering from a mental health condition in their lifetime.
Breaking the hold of misery in the form of anxiety, sadness and depression can be tough, hence nearly one in ten Australians are dependent on antidepressants to try and bring some type of normality to their lives. Talk therapy and mindfulness are also popular methods to learning to cope. At ExcelerateYou we help you to go deeper within and connect with the source of your vitality with daily self-regulation and mind-mastery practices that bring you to a natural state of happiness.

The First Step - Understand Your Nature

Humans are bound by three natures: 1. Goodness - elevates calm and happiness; 2. Passion elevates drive and anxiety; 3. Darkness elevates dullness and depression. What is most dominant in you today? If you are not sure what is most dominant in you, click here take this quick nature test. Secondly you have to make a conscious decision to live a happy. The moment you make the decision to live as your best and happy self, your mind immediately goes to work to live as the best you, which is fast tracked through the 10 practices shared below.
If you are usually negative or stressed out, an occasional positive thought, yoga session, talk therapy or keeping a grateful journal will not make you a positive and happy person. And drowning yourself with alcohol and drugs will eventually destroy your life.
"Happiness is your creation. You are equipped with everything you need to live a happy life. Your only job is to discover the source of happiness within and infuse your surroundings with that inner happiness". Swami Rama
How wonderful do we all feel to see babies and toddlers giggle their way through every day. We too were a baby once and giggled the same way however most people lose their freedom to laugh as they become more serious. Take an audit of yourself and you will see that you are likely averaging 12-15 smiles per day. Did you know that when you were that giggling baby you smiled on average 400 times per day? The world we live in teaches us to chase for better however the price is often the loss of our own joy and positivity.
Make a decision today to not let your environment kick your emotions around and learn to laugh at all the fear mongering around you and to park your false ego. Now is the right time to consider the pursuit of liberation, for without freedom there is no peace and without peace how can there ever be any happiness? Let go of trying to control the outcomes in your life and controlling other people and their thoughts and acts and just accept all people and situations as they are - smile and love you and your life and all will be ok. Your major concern must be to live as the best you - happy, serene and vibrant.
To be successful and happy you require the right knowledge that empowers self-mastery as given to you below and secondly the discipline to put this knowledge into practice. I am now going to give you the way to self-mastery and if you accept it, it will change your life forever. 
The following formula is shared in detail in my book Rise Warrior Rise© and the self-mastery course Flourish®:
  1. LOVE YOURSELF. That's right, love yourself for it is impossible to love life, experience bliss or love another without first loving yourself. When we lose self-love, we take less care of ourselves, invite addictions that bring about self-harm and a lack of joy for life, which has a direct impact on those around us. We enhance our loved ones lives by being our best. I'm inviting you to change your life forever now by writing down 10 things about you that you like most. Everyday look at that list and with conviction read the list out in the first person to yourself. It should sound like this - "I like me because I am bright, energetic, courageous, tenacious, virtuous, honest and so on...". Keep this practice up (no matter how silly or self-assured you feel) for a month and your life will never be the same again as your mind will go to work to make sure you are living as your best self, filled with those ten qualities.

  2. REGULATE YOUR BREATH the right way so you have the ability to find calm within 2 to 3 breaths. Serenity is your goal. Consider this - your mind cannot control your mind; it is only through the proper regulation of your breath that you can bring your mind immediately in harmony. Try it, next time you feel anxious try and will it to go away, then take a breath in to the count of 6, hold that breath for a count of 8 and then breathe out for a count of 8. Breathe in that manner for 10 breaths and your anxiety will fade away.

  3. GET ACTIVE NOW. Go outside, take your shoes off and feel nature under your feet. Find a quiet place and practice yoga to get nimble. Flexibility gives us a pain free body, so your goal here is to enjoy each stretch as you slowly become flexible again like you were in your childlike state. Your goal is to not only feel good and get strong physically while stretching and lifting, but to be able to get your body in a pain free state to be able to sit in meditative reflection for extended periods, which not only replenishes the brain, it empowers you to handle isolation - to love and thrive when you are alone.

  4. FREELY ACCEPT CHANGE AND BOW DAILY TO GIVE THANKS FOR YOUR BLESSINGS. So much distress comes from people's fixed mindsets and comforts as they are not willing to learn and implement change. For growth to happen you must accept change as something constant and keep moving forward and upwards. Use meditation and prayer to let go of your inhibitors, pains and past as holding on to what has passed is not doing you any good. Give thanks for your all your experiences as a blessing and move upwards.

  5. TRAIN YOUR MIND TO LOOK FOR THE GOOD AND NOT BE ATTRACTED TO THE NEGATIVE, BAD AND UGLY. Clean your mind of useless noise by training your brain to look for the good in the world. Starting today genuinely compliment 3 people daily. No matter how weird it feels at first stick with it and soon enough you will find joy in every situation and person and negativity and depression will find it hard to settle on you. Refuse to get involved in useless gossip, forgive and move on.

  6. FAST REGULARLY AND EAT HEALTHY AND FRESH FOOD. Let food be your medicine and at times in your life a lack of food. Cleanse yourself by learning how-to fast. Fasting has so many health, discipline and spiritual benefits. Food has three kinds of impact on you: fresh vegetables and fruits will energise you; highly flavoured foods, spices, caffeine and energy drinks will give you a boost however at the expense of your long-term mental and physical health; and heavy foods such as meats and processed foods will make you lethargic, dark and sick. The last type must be minimised and avoided for vibrancy.

  7. CHOOSE POSITIVE HAPPY FRIENDS. Remember the old saying ‘you will be the company you keep'. By being your best happy self, you will also become easy and fun to be around and as such attract wonderful people to you who will add to your life in a positive way. Be generous and take the time to host great people. Seek out those you admire and buy them a coffee or a meal just to enjoy their company and wisdom. Engage a life coach who inspires and teaches you how to be your best and successful.
  8. LOVE YOUR OWN COMPANY. Turn off your devices, clean your environment so it is hygienic and smells lovely. Throw away the booze and drugs if have been indulging in them to wind down and do the simple things like reading and listening to music that lifts you with joy, sing out loud, go for a walk, swim, chant, pray, fish, lift weights, cook etc. Use this time wisely and let it bring you joy,
  9. FIND A DEEPER PURPOSE. Seek the answers to the questions 'who am I' and 'why am I here'. Asking yourself who are you and why have you been blessed with your life as a human being takes you deeper and away from the mundane to source activities and work that satisfy the soul. I warn you that it takes courage to ask such tough questions and it takes tenacity to persist in your pursuit for happiness. These two questions are designed to help you raise your consciousness and your spirit - the source of vitality, abundance, power and morality. 
  10. SMILE and change your world now by taking control of your inner world. Give yourself permission to smile 400 times a day again like you did when you were a child. Don't take things too seriously. Laugh at yourself when you find yourself too serious. Remember that sometimes it takes joy to make us smile but other times all it takes is for us to smile to become joyous - so smile 400 times per day again and be joyful all the time.

You do not need to master all 10 of the above practices at once to live as your best self, start one at a time and watch you quickly find your best self. 

Should you need a hand to fast track your personal happiness or that of your people, check out FLOURISH® or simply read a page a day of Rise Warrior Rise©, the self-mastery book that is being used by some of the most respected universities and business leaders to build strong and happy leaders. Feel free to contact us at ExcelerateYou to access our tailored corporate and individual programs.

For leaders, feel free to contact us for confidential life and business coaching.

"Rise Warrior Rise is the manual for how to live an amazing life," Rise Warrior Rise and Flourish gave me a way to live my best life. It has changed my life. The world needs it, I need it, business leaders definitely need it!. - Nicholas Mason, Co-Founder, Agency Byron

FLOURISH®: The Ultimate Wellbeing Program brings harmony to all four states of your being: Mental, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual. The practices and wisdom of Flourish® empowers you with unshakeable self-worth to live free from anxiety, addiction and depression and is authentically taught by expert wellbeing coach Roh Singh.



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